For Ride Reservations and Information contact River Bend Transit

Curb-to-Curb Service with wheelchair lift-equipped vehicles
Services limited to ADA eligible persons
For ADA eligibility information, call Davenport CitiBus at 888-2151. ADA paratransit eligibility applications available on the CitiBus website here.
Demand response trips available throughout Davenport service area
Advance reservations may be made up to fourteen (14) days in advance.


Monday through Saturday: 5:30 AM - 7:00 PM

Sunday: 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Fare Structure (Per One-way Trip)

ADA Eligible Passenger........................$1.75

1 Care Attendant................................ FREE

Additional Care Attendant....................$1.75

Accompanying child under age 5............ FREE
   Ages 5-11.......................................$0.85